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Web & mobile platform for easy and complete investment analysis, instant idea discovery, and intuitive portfolio construction. By professionals.

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You do not need to have $10 million at a private bank to enjoy top research and risk management
Full access to the research and risk analysis
50 000+ stocks
60 000+ bonds
ETFs coming soon
We have already started the charity campaign on your behalf and donated 1% of your payment to the International Committee of the Red Cross


InvestWatch Teaser

Research any asset at a glance. Six green sectors on the right represent key return factors, and six sectors in red on the left represent core risks. Each has a 1-7 score. Use it to get a quick opinion on an asset:

  • If it is more green on the right than red on the left, the asset has more return potential than risks.
  • If it is more red than green, the risks seem to outweigh the return potential.
You can learn more by clicking button below

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